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Mia Manamea

Feb 5, 2022

"I desire."

Scorpio says,"I desire."

Archetypes: The Detective, The Sorcerer, The Hypnotist

Ruler: Mars & Pluto

Mode: Fixed

Perspective: Social

Life Mission: Soul-healing; to explore the darkest parts of the psyche and world to heal the soul

Developmental Phase: 36 to 45 years old. The mid-life crisis or “dark decade of the soul.” This is the stage of life where one must face his/ her unlived self or shadow side. One becomes acutely aware of compromised integrity. This is the kind of energy that Scorpio continuously carries with them-- leading them to be the ultimate healers.

General Characteristics & Observable Behaviors: Erotic; Sexual; Alluring; Intriguing; Fatally Fascinating; Paranoid; Viligant; Icy, Cold, Silent; Intense; Seething; Concentrated; Controlled; Deep, Dark, Prohibited; Forbidden; Compulsive; Overwhelming; Devouring; Engulfing; Desirous; Powerful; Controlling; Intimidating; Forceful; Devious; Manipulative; Morbid; Hostile; Sabotaging; Sneaky; Homocidal; Vengeful; Extreme; Irrational; Scrutinizing; Healing; Cleansing; Transformative; Assimilating; Eliminating; Empowering; Purifying; Unifying.

Give Scorpio Permission to: Speak honestly | Go inside oneself and uncover the truisms of repressed emotions and experiences | Be intense in their pursuit of mastery | Function in “black and white”| Have an all-or-nothing approach

Challenge Scorpio When: Their desire to keep themselves emotionally secure prevents authentic, genuine intimacy | They use manipulation to hide their secrets and exploit yours | They exhibit unhealthy behaviors as a means to get back at you (revenge, silent treatment, rage) | Moodiness inhibits accepting the truth | When they become so heavy that they stay weighted in hell, so to speak

Imagine being alone and face-to-face with a lion. It inches closer and closer. The thought of death ripens by the minute. Your past is history. Projections for the future are fading. Immediately, the importance of the present moment becomes unmistakably clear. Nothing else matters. Comfort, designer clothes, esteemed titles, and even politeness flies out the door. Only the truth of moment remains. To a great surprise, the lion roams away, and a life is spared. This kind of thinking, this perspective on life, is the essence of Scorpio.

Libra (the previous sign) was tangled up in intellect and weighted with the possibilities of the diverging roads. Scorpio is over that. Why? Because he knows that logic only exists to serve one purpose: to rid our minds of considering the ridiculous alternatives. How we feel determines what matters most, and because of this Scorpio operates from his emotions. He feels his way through life, working to ensure that his external existence matches his internal reality. Scorpio chases self-knowledge. Against popular belief, Scorpio is not fixed on emotions themselves. Instead, he investigates what those emotions reveal about himself and reality. Scorpio’s approach: let it be. We’re all going to die at the end, and Scorpio wants to know that he lived his life true to himself.


Scorpio is incapable of suppressing or repressing emotions. He feels in the extreme. He thinks disturbing thoughts. He knows (whether unconsciously or consciously) that through this brutally honest perspective that he will see himself honestly. Almost violently introspective, Scorpio explores the underworld of the human psyche that many other signs run away from in fear. This courage and honestly is his greatest strength.

Shadow Side

Because of Scorpio’s bravery, he can dig too deeply into emotions that are so tiny that they cannot and do not need to be detangled. It becomes a dark fog that clouds his perspective, exhausts his mental stamina, and drowns him in a never-ending hole. The intellect struggles to take control but it can’t because the mind does not understand the hunger of emotions. Obsessively and compulsively, Scorpio can begin looking externally for that control through money and other representations of power.

The advice: Recognize when you are circling the drain. Know when to stop, and stop while you’re ahead. See what you need to see, feel what you need to feel and burn the remains. Allow your inner fire to exterminate all that no longer serves your growth and understanding.

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